Recipe of Chianti Kitchen, the Tuscan
School of Cooking

8 crepes
250 g (9oz) fresh ricotta
A bunch of mixed herbs (rosemary, thyme, sage, marjoram and basil)
8 long parsley stems with leaves
salt and pepper to taste
zucchini sauce
fresh tomato sauce

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Cut finely all herbs and mix together with ricotta. Add salt and pepper to taste. Quickly blanche 8 long parsley stems with the leaves on and put aside. 
Take one crepe and place on a flat surface.  In the centre place a small amount of the ricotta mixture. Gather all sides of the crepe together at the top to make small sack. Tie each crepe with a parsley stem. Repeat this for all crepes.
Place all crepes on a tray, put in the oven and bake at 180°C (365°F) for 5 minutes. To serve, gently pour one ladle of zucchini sauce on the left side of the plate and one ladle of tomato sauce on the right. Place two pockets on the top of the sauces, in the centre of the plate.  Garnish with fresh herbs. Serve hot.

Makes 4 servings

Chianti Kitchen, The Tuscan School of Cooking of Chef Seamus de Pentheny O'Kelly - Tuscany, Italy -