Dear Friends,
this January we decided to visit Tanzania to witness the big migration of Gnu – 4 million of these herbivores move from the north to the south of the Serengeti to pursue greener pastures and rainfall.
During this trip we have seen a unbelievable number of African animals – more than ever before! And we have done many travels on this continent. (see photogallery)
We spent the first 3 days by the Crater of NgoroNgoro, in a beautiful lodge called Plantation Lodge.
The following 5 days we passed in the National Park of Serengeti, where we observed the migration of Gnu and many wild animals. Then we spent two days in the National Park of Tarangire where we were victims of a huge attack of Tze-Tze flies – we could not leave our tent for 2 full days, and it was 40 degrees in shade and obviously we had no air conditioning. The final 2 days we spent on the slopes of Killimanjaro – what an incredible mountain, with constant snow coverage around its 6000 m peak.
We also had the opportunity to meet the members of the Hazebi tribe in Lake Ayasi, which was an unforgettable experience for us. It is one of the few of tribes that neither practice private property nor use money. They are hunters and have infinite respect for the land on which they live. They gather honey and exchange it with the neighboring tribes for the tips for spears and arrows. They welcomed us and taught us how to start a fire and how to use bow and arrow. We had such a fantastic time and the people of Hazebi will stay in our heart forever.
This trip was particularly wonderful thanks to the company of our dear friends Leila and Gilbert from Beirut.
Africa has such a special place in our hearts, we visit every year, and when it’s time to return, it’s almost impossible for us to say goodbye. We still have in our minds the sounds of Africa and the memory of night sky full of stars.
I hope all of you will have a chance to enter this world – carefully, delicately and without preconceptions. Africa will reward you infinitely.
Warmest regards,
Patrizia and Seamus